After a year’s planning initially inspired by the BBC programme “The Choir”, Ron Everett took the bold step to try to get a Community Band started again. In Ron’s words…
What with all the current cut backs in council spending i.e. the youth service and the county music service, we were convinced there would be enough interest out there to make it a success. After putting the idea on FACEBOOK (Warwick Community Band) within a week 43 people had shown an interest.
Ron Everett
The band has swiftly moved on to a membership of more than 50 people of all ages and backgrounds, in accordance with our published ethos which is…
The band will provide a platform for members of the public to work and come together in one inter-generational activity.
The members can be of any musical standard, no auditions will take place.
The ethos of the band will be for its membership to meet together play and enjoy music, and to be able to give public performances.
The band will be non competitive, (competition involves hours of practice, and often excludes the weaker players.)
The band will play popular instantly recognised music that will be entertaining to the majority audience.
I hope you agree, this is a grand ethos to aspire to!
If you’d like to join us then please get in touch or just come along to one of our monthly practice sessions. We are always looking for new members, with your Brass instrument, Woodwind instrument, Percussion accessories or Dancing shoes! Some instruments are available to be borrowed from the band.